It’s always good to know that how much you are going to earn at the end of a month. We need advertising networks like BuySellAds where advertisers pay us fixed amount of money for the specific ad space. But as it is hard to get approved until you receive huge traffic to your site, small publishers need alternative to BuySellAds.
What is BuySellAds?
BuySellAds is the advertising platform where publishers sell the ad space on their website, blog and advertisers buy these ad space. BuySellAds is like a marketplace. Publisher sell their advertisement space on a fix rate for a month. This makes sure the exact amount they are going to earn at the end of a month. Publishers can also sell Tweets.
Why we need Alternative to BuySellAds?
It is hard to get approved by BuySellAds unless you are a big publishers. You need at least more than 50,000 pageviews per month to get approved by BuySellAds. Small publishers find it difficult to get that much pageviews in their initial days. That is why we need an alternative to BuySellAds, where small publishers can also sell their advertising space.
AdvertiseSpace – A Good Alternative to BuySellAds
Small publishers are looking for alternative to BuySellAds. They want to sell their advertising space to ensure the fixed amount of money they are earning at the end of a month. AdvertiseSpace is a good alternative to BuySellAds considering all small publishers looking to sell their advertising space.
How AdvertiseSpace Works?
It is very easy to buy or sell ads with AdvertiseSpace. Sign up for a new account. Add your site into “My Sites” section to sell advertising space on your site. Provide site description and it’s category. You may select Auto Approve Ads so you will never have to add advertisements manually. Create a New AdZone. Specify it’s size, location and monthly price. You can also choose to specify CPM price. That is how much you will charge per thousand page impressions.
After creating a new ad zone, place the given code into the specified advertising space of your website. There is also another site code that you have to place exactly before the closing </head> tag of your website or blog. And that’s it! AdvetiseSpace will start showing “Advertise Here” banner on the specified space of your website until you will get an advertisement.
AdvertiseSpace works great for small publishers. Anyone can join and sell advertising space on their website. There is no approval process. Everyone is accepted to sell their advertising space. AsvertiseSpace is the best alternative to BuySellAds.